Unique authenticity with every box


Provisions for divine creatures

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  • Hand dipped pencil tapered candles

  • Once a week we spend one full day dipping candles
  • Hand picked crystals

  • We cleanse and charge our crystals once a month on the full moon.
  • Quality dried herbs and flowers

  • We source our herbs and flowers locally or through sustainable and responsible small business suppliers
  • Hand made pottery and sage bundles

  • We hand make our own pottery monthly as well as hand pick and bundle our own sage

Hand dipped pencil tapered candles

Once a week we spend one full day dipping candles

Hand picked crystals

We cleanse and charge our crystals once a month on the full moon.

Quality dried herbs and flowers

We source our herbs and flowers locally or through sustainable and responsible small business suppliers

Hand made pottery and sage bundles

We hand make our own pottery monthly as well as hand pick and bundle our own sage