About Us

We are a small family based business located in Minden, NV., a small town within the shadow of Lake Tahoe. Westwood Provisions has been an idea of mine for years, although we didn’t officially launch until January 1st 2020.
I noticed that the market was lacking authenticity in its products. There were really no hand made and curated products in a subscription box that weren’t made in China or bought from a big box store and repackaged. I want to bring authenticity, trust and knowledge to my customers. I want to share from my heart and my home which is why some of my products are actually from my own personal garden. 

I have always been connected to the water, I feel it is apart of me in so many ways. I have been blessed to be living in one of the most beautiful areas in America. Along with the beauty comes tourism. Tourists from all over the world come to appreciate the beauty here in the Lake Tahoe area as well as visitors on the weekend from over the mountain from California’s big tech cities. Fourth of July happens to be one of our largest weekends here and generates a massive amount of waste. Tourism plays a major part in the destruction of our Lake and trails. I spend every summer diving for trash. I have been doing this for years on my breath alone, freediving. I have been wanting to make a larger impact on my cleanup efforts, so this is why one dollar from every sale will go to keeptahoeblue.org. I also have a donation option to help me pay for scuba certification and scuba gear. I want to make a bigger impact on cleanups and this will help me achieve that goal. 

Here we are today making a positive difference in many ways for our community and fellow spiritual folk, and I truly hope you love and cherish our products.